Tuesday 3 July 2012


After leaving Toronto last night, we flew toward Iceland for a brief inspection of their security services before boarding another flight for Denmark. Most of the route was heavily covered with cloud, but we had a real treat as we flew over the southern tip of Greenland and got to see some exposed glacier complete with blue and green lakes and calving ice sections.

Once in Denmark we started adventures of a different variety as we had to find our way around. Apparently, if you don't buy a map book, you should at least print off instructions to your B&B before you leave! We made it safely, though (plus a few new blisters) and ended the evening with a lovely roast pork supper at the restaurant down the road.

Tomorrow's adventure is spelled L-E-G-O! We are going to ignore the jet lag and head off for Billund for a day of building/amusement park fun!

Sleep well, everybody.


  1. Have a blast at Legoland!!

  2. Thanks! It was awesome! We had great weather and tonnes of fun.
